Written from the moon

Writing is a way to express what you feel .

sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2015

The time past very fast ,it is almost Christmas time and I can see all the lights at the barrio , in our home nothing else than a candlelight on

jueves, 17 de julio de 2014

Long time ago...

I live in a basic house made entirely of wood.It has two small rooms .One is used as the kitchen ,dining and living room ,the other is the bedroom and storage.My two brothers,two sisters and I share the only two beds we have . In Winter the cold ,wind and rain make it harder to stay warm.Sometimes, I feel drops coming from the leaky roof .My younger brother Roberto is a baby and we enjoy looking at him when he is sleeping.My father is out , he is working .My mother abandoned us some time ago.We spend the time playing together.I run out close to the church .There is a small playground with some swings I love.Now it is late and my father is coming home ,maybe with something to eat.

martes, 15 de julio de 2014

The ghost city

I'm sitting close to the water looking at the ghost city .I'm drinking my favorite tea earl grey .Some birds are coming looking for something to eat while a black crow watches the scene like he is getting ready for attack.I feel quiet.